Varese Green way
A green way that from Milan leads you to the Varese lakes passing throught Varese province:
- genuine products
- tradition
- tourism
- culture
- nature
We all know that Varese province has always had a touristic vocation and this is a reality.In Varese tourism is a very quick tourism, week-ends or just a week tourism,this because of the fast comunication routes that cut the province. Our project can really change and help this vocation: in this era in which we rediscover the will to live, and the Man seems to have realizedthat he must be able to slow down his rhythms, we propose the use of a road, already known and travelled, that can pass throught the province and can be a route to travel horseback, by bike or by foot, to discover nature, valleys, agricultural tradition, landscape beauties, the healthy eating and historical monuments of Varese province. We can compare ourselves as the “slow food” to the “fast food”, and then without claiming to be able to satisfy those who want to have a frantic relationship even in their fun moments, we want to create a touristic phylosopy that is made in Varese.

What is today
The green Varese way is really a trail that is located and reported ( to date it starts from Gerenzano, then Gorla, Lonate Ceppino, Sumirago, Golasecca, Sesto Calende, Cittiglio, Mesenzana, Luino, Agra and arrives in Forcora). This track is possible to walk, to do by bike, by horse or with a carriage.Three rings complete the journey, one is around Busto Arsizio, the second is around Varese and the last is in the northen part of the province.
Here are the rings
The planning of this initiative creates three rings:
- First ring: starting from Malpensa Fiere, goes up to Golasecca, then Castronno and arrives in Gorla, then Castronno and continues in Montonate valley returning then to Besnate and reaching Arsago Seprio, Golasecca and down to the Ticino, until reconnecting with Busto Arsizio
- Second ring: intersects the first ring in Montonate valley (Mornago), climbs up to Palude di Brabbia until doing a complete tour of Varese lake using the paths of the park and then entering in Azzate and closing there.
- Third ring: moves around Campo dei Fiori, reaching the places of Comunità Montana of Luino valleys, the Stra’ Di Caver, the Valcuvia, and then closes returning from Montegrino and Val Ceresio.
How it works
Who travels on the Route will find different possibilities through secondary paths that are always marked:
- reach agritouristic farms
- reach refreshment points
- reach stopping points
- reach historical points
- reach natural beauties
- reach city centers and places of interest
Services rendered to the environment:
- Control of the territory
- Land monitoring
- Employment and retain of the agricultural, agritouristical farms
- Promoting of an healthy and natural philosophy
- Development of culture and knowing of our places
How to continue in the organization:
- The definition of the route is issued by a special joint Commitee between APA Varese and
- Provincial Authority and taks agreements with all who want to partecipate
- Maintenance in load to the local authorities
- Maintenance in load to the farms of the secondary paths that intersect the route
- Creating of a map with the explanation of the possible routes
- Creation of special explanatory signs on the path
- Partecipation in fairs in order to promote the project, as AgriVarese 2015
- Contacts with foreign and local brokers for the sale of touristic packages
- Creation and mainteinance of an appropriate structure suitable for the management, that from
- APA offices directs people on this route.